Re: MRA/No self running devices?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 02:46:19 -0600

Hi Bob!

You wrote;
> The Papp engine is definately self-running and definately overunity,
> from a reliable witness I know who's seen it run. It's main problem was
> and is that it produces TOO much power, tends to self destruct.
> Trouble is, it's proprietary. But half the answers are in the patent.

Wonderful, but despite all that, it shoots itself in the foot with the word

I have the patent and many others. I have tons of books and articles on
various claimants. I even have some plans, none of which claim overunity
though they hinted at it when I bought or swapped for them.

Kits, working plans or a working device that I and others can buy, build or
test. Nothing less.

Interesting how this goes on and on without resolution. Much like UFOs,
conspiracies and patriot concerns...

Is resolution IMPOSSIBLE in the case of free energy/overunity??

NO!! Why, you ask, because this is HARDWARE,
not lights in the sky, not SUBJECTIVE!