Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 26 Mar 1998 21:39:47 -0600

Hi Dr. Brodowski!

Well, I hate to say it, but the MRA was promoted beyond what I ever
intended to be involved in. Claims of ACTUAL overunity and other anomalous
phenomena kept popping up to further cloud the issue.

Norman Wootan and Joel McClains were and are friends of mine. Though I
have lost touch with Joel, Norman still comes to our monthly Roundtable
meetings and we are on good terms. Both of these men are very intelligent
and not con artists in the least.

The plans posted for the MRA were duplicated by others and when analysis
was made, even by Dr. Hal Puthoff and Scott Little at the Institute for
Advanced Studies in Austin (250 miles from the Dallas area where we all
live), the MRA measurements were found to be erroenous, leading to
calculations that predicted very high overunity.

Now, let's all be honest here. If a device is TRUE over-unity, would it
not be able to power ITSELF as well as to drive a load??

The MRA could not do that, nor has anything else I've seen or heard of for
lo these many years.

The idea of blending piezoelectrics and magnetics in the MRA was not new
but because it was reintroduced and appeared to be producing anomalous
results, we were all very excited.

At the time, the choices became;

1) post the information as is, and stating that this APPEARS to be
overunity, please duplicate and confirm or refute it


2) keep quiet about it until independently verified, taking the chance
that if something unique was indeed present, all parties would risk
possible interference by parties who would not wish to see this MADE PUBLIC
and take steps to erase the discovery BEFORE it could be so posted.

We disussed this on the phone and via email on several occasions and all
decided to post it with the note that it appeared to be so. I do not in
any way regret this decision and consider it an honor to have known Norman
and Joel because they are TRUE avant garde researchers who want to make
positive differences in the world.

They did not do it for money, They did not do it for fame or notoriety.
That is all that matters. They were honest and forthright in what they had
done, how they did it and were more than willing to share their
observations in hopes others could indeed verify it.

Unfortunately, all evidence I have seen and heard about does not PROVE the
MRA is indeed overunity, though the idea still intrigues me even now.

At this point in my 35 years in alternative science studies, self-operation
is now my single determinant as to validity of a working device. If it
cannot drive itself, the chances are extremely slim that it is TRUE

Calculations cannot be relied on.
Measurements cannot be relied on.
Any outside power cannot be relied on.

So, please do at least try it and prove to yourself that it works or does
not. There is a reason we don't see the MRA in the news or shown at
conferences as a standalone overunity device.

For my time and effort, anything less than self-running is probably a lab
queen, subject to PMS variations that prevent is practical use in the real

Jerry W. Decker
Keelynet -