Re: "High Voltage and Free Energy devices "by George Moonhie

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 25 Mar 1998 23:58:10 -0600

Hi Tim!

Ok, I should clarify that tongue-in-cheek comment about the 900,000 vac, it
is true and the pictures are posted on KeelyNet....but I was standing on a
metal plate about 16" in diameter that was connected to the output of a 6
foot tall Tesla coil...that plate was attached to the top of a round sheet
of glass (about 4 feet in diameter and 3/8" thick).....that glass plate in
turn was sitting on a plastic stand that was about 4 feet from the hair was wet with distilled water (no salt), my bare feet were
wet with very salty water (for good conduction) and I wore no
metal...<g>...except for thimbles on each finger that had 1" nails soldered
to them...this is to avoid burning the fingers or the fingernails.

So, common sense...and granted, this was a special application that
involved a lot of safety procedures, with one of the best insurance
policies being a 'dead man' switch on the huge variac that fed the ark (oil
capacitor) that fed the coil....220VAC was fed into the Tesla coil ONLY as
long as the dead man switch was being held in by the was
spring loaded and if released power was instantly removed.

Again, common sense....but life is for living and I'll take reasonable
risks....everyone else can determine how far they choose to go in their own
case. I wouldn't trade that experience for anything.....

One point of interest that I've mentioned several times on the BBS.....we
were doing from 3 to 5, one hour shows every day for a month to various
sized crowds, mostly TI engineers and city officials...<g>...on about the
3rd day I happened to look into the stream of electricity coming from one
hand and noticed these small yellow globes popping up out of my skin and
being sucked into the blue electrical discharge....I brought this to Ron
and Chuck's attention but they could not see the globes because they were
too far away....the globes were about 1/16 to 1/8 inch in diameter.

We discussed this and tried to get a photo of it but never succeeded....our
thinking was it was salt since the globe was yellow (sodium) we took
especial pains that my arms were washed with pure distilled water having no
salt, yet the effect still occurred...then density of these yellow globes
was about 4 - 12 per 2 inch square area and refresh roughly 3 times per
second and they would just pop out of the skin, with no damage or witness

Anyway, that's off the mark here but it is something that I think needs to
be investigated, just some Fortean type observations...<g>.....I'd do it
again in a snap.

> From: Tim v.d.Hoff <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: "High Voltage and Free Energy devices "by George Moonhie
> Date: Wednesday, March 25, 1998 4:56 AM
> Hi Jerry!
> > I've run 900,000 volts from my hands for up to 10 minutes at a time
> > any damage (some would dispute that)....the trick is to not ground
> > when near know, play like Napoleon, one hand in the jacket and
> > Teslas trick of 3" high rubber soles on your shoes....
> So If I put some very thick rubber soles under my shoes everything is
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > That's odd about your book being stapled, I don't think mine was like
> > and you said 50 pounds??? Gee, if that's english pounds, isn't that
> > $100+??? Something ain't right.
> Nope 50 guilders that's about 25 dollars :)
> >
> >
> > But the high voltage solenoids are so cool to see the magnet repelled
> > that and with such force....anyway, it's late, I'm wired and exuberant,
> > ain't life grand...if you don't try, you'll never know, so do some of
> > experiments...using common sense...looking forward to your new free
> > device when you get the prototype done!!!!!!!
> >
> Well better get started. Thanks for the advice!
> Greetings,
> Tim