Re: To ponder

John Berry ( )
Sun, 22 Mar 1998 14:01:47 +1200

Martin Otis wrote:

> Le facteur de ralentissement du temps
> french stuff cut
> Mais ceci est très peu probable considérant
> le jeune âge de la Terre comparativement à l'âge de l'Univers.
> At 12:07 PM 3/22/98 +1200, you wrote:
> >Now the idea of spinning masses has been gone over before on this list. Now
> >I have a theoretical that might provoke some thought.
> >
> >Lets assume that attached to a 6,000rpm electric motor is a large gear with
> >teeth on the outside. That turns another, similar gear at a ratio of 1:100.

Here it is in english

The factor of deceleration of time

If we place two clocks synchronized on Earth and another
in a capsule moving at very high speed, that on there
Ground will present an advance on that which is placed on board of
vessel (and not only clocks but passengers of
vessel will age more slowly). The factor of deceleration
time is given by:

Where C is the symbol for the speed of the light and the v speed of
the object. We can thus say that time in the capsule is of
y time slower in the capsule than on Earth. If one could
to move exactly at the speed of the light, time would slow down
of a factor y infinite, i.e. time would be stopped.

However that proves to be impossible.

Relativistic increase in the mass

Why is it impossible, with our technology, to travel to
speed of the light?

The largest particle accelerator of the world is unable
to accelerate an electron at the speed of the light: more one gives
energy with an electron, plus its speed increases, its mass
increase and more it is necessary to give energy to this electron for
that it can accelerate. The energy which it would be necessary to give to one
electron to travel at the speed of the light is thus infinite.
Thus, we can very accelerate a particle close speed
light but it will never reach this speed, because one
electron travelling at this speed would have a mass higher than
entire Universe. We can thus understand that only
energy can travel at the speed of the light.

If we try to travel more quickly than the light, then time
should move back in certain circumstances.
The factor of increase in the initial mass is given by there
even formula of the increase in time. It is obvious, that by
this same factor, the lengths vary according to speed.

General relativity is a synthesis of all the notions of
physics which enables us to explain all the phenomena of
gravitation. That implies a slight modification of the formulas
data in the former pages.

The curve of space-time

We must now think in four dimensions, that is to say
space-time, when space corresponds to three dimensions of
ordinary space. This space-time is represented by
three-dimensional curves caused by the presence of a mass,
like a planet.

Actually, contrary to Newton, there is no force which
be exerted between two bodies: a gravitational field is one
curve (a deformation of dimensions) of space-time created
by the presence of a mass. The Moon thus does not follow its orbit
because of a real force directed towards the Earth. Consequently,
the Moon advances in straight line and at constant speed compared to
the space-time, which is curved for him. If the Moon describes an ellipse
closed, it is that space-time, à.quatre.dimensions, around
Ground is curved.

The deceleration of time in relativity General is similar
with that in the relativity restricted except that the speed of
the observer is, in the general one, the escape velocity. There
escape velocity east defines as minimal speed that one
object must reach so that it can be released from the field
gravitational (of the curve of space-time) and to move away to
a distance which tends ad infinitum. On the surface of the ground, this
speed corresponds to 11,2 km/s (see table 1). That means that it
is necessary to reach this speed to leave the gravitational field of
Compared to the speed of the light, this speed is very
small and its effect over time is very negligible. To live in one
travelling vessel with 11,2 km/s corresponds to the life on Earth.

One can easily imagine a so massive and compact object
that its escape velocity is equal at the speed of the light. On
these objects, time is with the total stop. We call these objects of
black holes.

The light and the E=mc2 gravitation

This equation enabled us to create the nuclear bombs, and
before this invention, there was no proof convainquante of
equivalence enters the mass and energy. This equation us
licence also to include/understand how the Sun could create
as much energy.

If we want to recover energy in a mass of one
kilogramme, we will find ourselves with 9X1016 Joules (what
corresponds to the square the speed of the light), which represents
a billion dollar in electricity in Quebec.

If energy is equivalent to a mass, then the light has
a mass which is likely to be deviated by a curve of
space-time. If this curve is that of the black hole, then there
light cannot be released any more. Moreover, if the light of another
star passes close to the Sun, it will be deviated (very little) towards the

This implies that the light, after a very long voyage, can be deviated
completely after having passed nearly billion stars. Thus, the light emitted by a

hemisphere of the Earth could be seen different side of the Earth, if we
observe space with a powerful telescope. But this is far from probable
considering the youth of the Earth compared to the age of the Universe.