Re: Are there any correspondence courses I can take to get a BS in
Sat, 21 Mar 1998 16:25:04 -0600 (CST)

Hi William,
I am currently a student at a Wisconsin University going for Mech and
Elect Engineering. In my opionion, your best bet would be to see if there is a
way to find a university that you can afford. I can usually get enough money
from financial aid and student loans to take care of school expenses. There is
a lot of math and physics that are best explained and demonstrated in the
classroom. Electrical engineering itself is far more math intensive than most
other engineering sciences. I was required to take 3 semesters of calc, 1 diff
eq, and then a math elective. I would find this personally very hard to learn
on my own. Plus whenit comes to learning about components and how they work
when hooked together there is no substitute to a lab and a good instructor.
(Plus using lab equiptment doesn't cost you anything, unlike having to buy
that equiptment) Granted that many of the topics discussed here are ignored
in the established institutions, there is still much valid info. You just have
to keep a focus on what it is you are learning and how it relates to items of
interest here. Hope this helps!

Garrett Herning