[Fwd: Re: Thoughts from my little warped mind]

Dave ( gravman@netinc.ca )
Sat, 21 Mar 1998 23:21:28 +0500

Ya know...if you climbed into a 20+ foot diameter sphere that has a
highly polished mirror like finish on the inside, you could look in
any direction and see yourself, and say that you were at every point
in space AT THE SAME TIME!

Gees, does that conjure up any ideas???
Hexslinger wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Mar 1998, Billy M. Williams wrote:
> > I dunno about a holographic universe, but I do subscribe to the theory of
> > every point in the universe having it's own vibrational frequency. Build a
> > device that can connect your vibrational frequency to another points
> > vibrational frequency in spacetime and I bet a tear or rift would open up.
> > Instant travel between points, sortof a dimensional key as it were.
> > Hmmm....what if every planet, etc in the universe has it's own musical
> > tones??
> If every point in the universe has its own vibrational frequency, there
> must be a reason - holography provides that reason.