Re: New magnet therapy for pain relief
Thu, 19 Mar 1998 23:48:54 -0500

Mathias <> wrote:

>Magnetotherapy is riddle with confusing and
>conflicting information, including what is the North pole (I use the
>north seeking side of a magnet as the North pole). I gave myself some
>wicked headaches as well as healed open wounds/cracked bones extremly
>rapidly, leaving no scare; I'd say if you experiment start carefully,
>small exposures at a time, especially with neodymiums and around the
Mathias and list:

To end the polarity confusion you need to read Roy Davis and Walter Rawls
book on "Magnetism and its Effects on the Living System". There is a
keelynet review file on their books by Jerry which also discusses the
polarity issue. Maybe Jerry can remember the appropriate file. RD has now
passed away but WR is still doing research. He can be reached at Roy Davis
Research Center in Florida at 904 264-8564. You can get their catalog they
also sell a magnetometer for 100. I have asked for their catalog but have
not received it yet. The books can also be purchased at Chapters (Canada)
and Barnes and Nobles in the US. They will have to order them.

It appears to me that the above polarity is opposite to what RD/WR have
determined and I can see why you would have gotten a headache. It is
critical to use the correct polarity.

Also for medical applications the following book is a good resource:

BIOMAGNETIC HANDBOOK, A Guide to Medical Magnetics, The Energy Medicine of
Tomorrow, by Dr. William H. Philpott, M. D. and Sharon Tapin. ISBN


Chris Gupta