How do we interfere with Aether?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 19 Mar 1998 11:44:04 -0800

Hi Folks!

I think we need to get focussed and take a brass tacks approach to
determine just what it takes to interfere with aether. The crudest
method that I've read about involves the use of high voltage spikes.

In Einstein's 1929 Unified Field paper he says magnetism, gravity,
electricity and inertia are all interchangeable.

So, unidirectional inertial drive mechanisms which use their own mass to
'push against' to produce a propulsive force (though only in small
steps), can be arranged so that the force either pushes the mass sideways
or downwards, providing a lift AGAINST gravity.

This can be confusing since we are talking here about ZPF (zero point
force) to produce mechanical motion as opposed to ZPE (zero point energy)
to produce electrical energies.

So, based on the distinction of whether we want mechanical force or
electrical energy, we should be clear between the two.

In the case of energy (ZPE), Chernetski and the Correas use arc
discharges in a vacuum tube either with a vacuum or with inert gas(es).
They claim such discharges produce a reaction pulse that exceeds the
energy necessary to produce it and which can be tapped as
electro-magnetic energy.

Hyde uses a similar method of interrupting a high density electroSTATIC
field and absorbing the high voltage spikes into a transformer for high
voltage/low current input to become high current/low voltage output.

Yet other machines claim to tune into something, like Moray, initially
using long wire antennas, Hendershott with his basket weave coils (long
wire antenna in a small space to tap an electrostatic field), Hubbard
with one primary surrounded by 8 secondaries, the Testatika using
high voltage static charges pulsed by arc discharges into collectors,
even Scott McKie who used secondary resonant circuits to evoke power
(though currently not proven).

The long wire antennas could well tap electrostatic energy, guided into
the collection wells (vacuum tubes or capacitors) of the machine.

The Hubbard & McKie machines appear to have used the principle Keely
talks about where one excited tuning fork, placed in a room of hundreds
of thousands of resonant forks, would cause all the other forks to
resonate to a similar intensity, thus AUGMENTING the force.

Magnets attached to the vibrating tines of tuning forks would be driven
in and out as the tines moved. Coils of wire wrapped around the tines or
in their presence would inductively produce a current that could be
extracted. One excited fork would thus drive many other forks w/magnets
so that energy would be multiplied. And this method will not produce the
anomalous effects reported with some ZPE tapping devices (as with Sweet).

Any other ideas on how we can quite screwing around and do some basic
tests that will show how power (mechnanical or electrical) can be
extracted as overunity, whether aether/zpe, resonant or gravity driven?

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187