Re: Is everybody gone?

John Berry ( )
Fri, 20 Mar 1998 00:21:07 +1300

I count four messages today, but that is still very many.
Lets see, I know how to start conversation....

I have the design of a device first made by Atlantians, It uses the
power of god to create energy and antigravity, It is made of atlantian
crystals and is controlled by the will of the user, It works as an
amplifier for radionic devices.
It's design was in part from a time traveler who visited ancient
atlantis, and the rest is from ancient indian manuscripts of atlantis,
it is believed that the mayans had this technology!

And tesla apparently designed his tesla coils on the idea, were the
pyramids made with this incredible device?

John Berry

Tim v.d.Hoff wrote:

> What's happening?
> Is everyone on holiday or something?
> I haven't had a message since two days !