Re: New magnet therapy for pain relief

Mathias ( )
Wed, 18 Mar 1998 03:06:55 -0700

> Dr Philpot do seem to provide very good sleep. Being so small the south
> field must be interfering in the process. Any suggestions on how reduce the
> south pole effect in such an application??
Hi again Chris at al:
I am not sure how to ovoid a south pole in this case. One think I can
say is this though: Magnetotherapy is riddle with confusing and
conflicting information, including what is the North pole (I use the
north seeking side of a magnet as the North pole). I gave myself some
wicked headaches as well as healed open wounds/cracked bones extremly
rapidly, leaving no scare; I'd say if you experiment start carefully,
small exposures at a time, especially with neodymiums and around the

A last thing: If you use magnetic pads/materess/jewelery... you will
probably have better results by using these products sporadically (ie 2
weeks on, 1 week on) If not, a possible initial improvement, will likely
be followed by stagnation, then worsening. Rythm, everything is in the
rythm. All the above in my humble opinion.