Pine tree batterys

MARC OLHOEFT ( seapower@Alaska.NET )
Tue, 17 Mar 1998 12:52:37 -0900

If You Are Baseing Your Concept on A Similar Model to the potato or
lemon bettery you must realise that the potatoe (Dan Quale Spelling)and
lemon are just simple examples of a chemical battery the corrosion of
the probe in the lemon body causes a mild electrical potential AND
results in the breakdown of the probe (that is why you must peroidically
remove and clean the oxides from the probe and reinsert into a
uncontaminated area of the fruit.
These oxides are potentially toxic to a living organism (or may be
potentially helpful)depending on the type of probe and its reaction.
As sap in the tree is moving it would quickly carry these oxides
throughout the body of the tree.
Arborists use a similar method to assist trees lacking in minerals in
absorbing these supplments by pounding a stake of fertilizer near the
roots .
IMHO Little harm and potentially healthful benefits to the tree could be
a biproduct of electrical power if the lacking minerals were a biproduct
of the probes breakdown in the trees acid?
One would have to take care not to deacidify the tree as the PH acid
balance is essential to the trees health.
To test this Theory you could collect sap and test the reaction of
different probes in the sap and see what the electrical yeild was and if
the byproducts would be helpful or poisionous to the tree.
Silver is reactive yet is in essential in many plants to maximize
health. How Moch How Big who Knows? Sounds like a fun experiment ?