Time & Radionics Camera (1 of 2)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 16 Mar 1998 23:58:47 -0800

Hi Dr. Jones, et al!

You wrote;
> Whats a time camera?

Well, George Delawarr studied with Ruth Drown, a famous (some say
infamous) radionics researcher who studied under Dr. Abrams, the original
'black box' and spondylotherapy technique...basically Dr. Abrams noticed
that by percussing the skin in different places, where there was healthy
tissue, the skin would have a clear thud...if the tissue was diseased or
corrupt, he would get a dull thud....later experiments found that two
people, hooked together by a wire, with one person being healthy and the
other having some kind of physical ailment...he could percuss the healthy
person and get the same response as the sick one....this led eventually
to Eeman screens where a healthy person lies on a mesh pad connected by
wire to a sick person also lying on a mesh pad...the idea being that the
healthy persons energy would help the sick person...all kinds of amazing
anecdotes have been reported over the years using these screens.

Anyway, Dr. Ruth Drown found that you could use a cadmium photocell
hooked into a radionic tuning arrangement and feeding into to polished
metal plates that faced each other and were separated by enough distance
to allow insertion of a film plate. Drown said the radionics attachment
when tuned for the section of the body being imaged, would produce a
magnetic field which would pass from one plate into the other and through
the film...this would produce a Rorshach type of image that could be
'interpreted' to show disease or healthy conditions. She said the camera
could take tomographic style slices or cross sections of the tissue. My
understanding is since the signature of the imaged area is a combination
of frequencies who all can be grouped so that by adjusting the 'group
phase', you can walk into and out of the image....their is a patent on
this in Britain (which I have and should post as it is quite interesting
and simple).

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187