Re: Moebius Anti-G & Power Source

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 16 Mar 1998 23:01:11 -0800

Hi John!

Possibly, though that isn't a true moebius, since a moebius has only one
surface, meaning it must have two surfaces which are flipped 180 degrees
to produce a one dimensional topology.

Whereas a bifilar simply folds the wire back on itself to cancel current
when the magnetic fields collide....though a caduceus uses the 45 degree
Smith coil windings.

He did say moebius though.....both for energy generation and for

Wouldn't that be neat that the Tampere/Schnurer gravity shielding could
be done with such a simple geometry?? Not requiring the superconductor
material or its excitation.

One thing that I've discussed with close friends over the years has been
interferring with the aether....that would mean it had either a frequency
unto itself (or group of them, perhaps one of which IS GRAVITY)...that
could be done with a resonant cavity, kind of like a retroreflector where
the majority of wave energy received is reflected back to the
source....this would be a kind of cavorite (from the man in the moon
movie) that took the form of a paint...the more surface area it covered,
the more weight reduction was produced....

I just don't 'get' this magnetic stimulation....he said like poles facing
each other, something like this;

coil magnet magnet coil
| |
| |
|============ ============|
|S N N S|
| |

This is probably way incorrect because he said this was the antigrav
configuration and that it produced a cone that projected upwards to
cancel gravity. He also said either use, whether for power or for grav
control, produced negative bio effects that could hurt you, that's why in
the power tap version, you have to put the magnet on the coil very
rapidly and get away from it...once the flow started, you became
entangled...sounds unsafe, but he says you just don't go near it when it
is running....hmmmm...well, I definitely think more details need to be
gathered...I'll see if I can get them from the caller...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187