Re: Moebius Anti-G & Power Source

DrJones ( )
Tue, 17 Mar 1998 17:14:29 +1200

At 18:04 16/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Folks!
>I am writing this to the list in hopes someone has more information they
>can share.
>I received a strange phone call today, strange for two reasons. One was
>this periodic beeping, about once each 30 seconds as if the conversation
>was being recorded, though the caller said nothing strange on his end,
>same here....I talked with other people today without this beeping sound,
>so it doesn't appear to be in my phone system.

Funny things can happen with phones. Once I was talking with someone and we
couldn't break the connection. I cant recall how we worked this out, but I
could hang up and when I lifted the receiver he was still on the other end.
There was also some strange beeps on the phone at an earlier time too.

>The caller was very interested in time travel and the Delawarr time
>camera. He said he had spoken with a guy by the name of Bob Devola,
>spelling is probably incorrect.

Whats a time camera? Also, have a look at Art Bells page and
there's a link to a fax that he's put on the Net, supposedly from a time
traveller. Have a look at the predictions that are made and see if the come