Re: Pine Trees....and noise free antenna's

Terry Bastian ( )
Mon, 16 Mar 1998 12:12:33 -0500

I have a doc that describes a way to hook into trees as antenna's with near
noise free reception......perhaps can be altered to recieve power
too...comes from a scientific american article from around WW1...will post
in the next couple of days...

Terry Bastian

Knowledge is the Perfection of FAITH....
Come! walk the path and take upon yourself the Quest for True Knowledge..
For Life is what happens when your planning other things....

Come and visit.....
Etherian Dream Weavers Place....
Where the mind dares to wander and one's future is not written in stone..

there once was a fellow named Bastian
whose manner was at times exasperin'**
when queried by friends "why?"
he'd reply on the sly;
"if I weren't, you'd need lots more aspirin"

** as in exasperating