Re: New magnet therapy for pain relief
Sun, 15 Mar 1998 23:56:17 -0500

What size and strength are the magnets? Apparently, the size of the magnet
has a bearing on the depth of penetration its not clear to me how this
relates to the strength of the magnet. Davis & Rawls talk about this and
explain why it should work.

Chris Gupta

>At 06:00 AM 3/15/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Sunil!
>Thanks for the positive comments...I wrote down the website you mentioned
>on the 'static magnetic flux generator' for magnetic therapy at
> and will check it out.
>You know, Troy Reed and his wife Evelyn live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, about
>300 miles or so from Dallas (where I live)....Troy is most famous for a
>magnetic motor that ran itself many years ago and which for some odd
>reason has never made it to the I've met Troy and Evelyn
>and they are as 'down home' and nice as anyone you'd ever want to meet.
>But your reference to magnet therapy made me think you'd be interested in
>an offshoot of their work with magnets...
>Basically, they took a large hollow cylinder, I think it's made of
>plastic about 2-3 feet in diameter and about 6 feet long. They mounted
>very strong magnets on the inside of this cylinder so that only the North
>poles face inward.
>Then they made a sliding table that a a person lies down on....they slide
>the person into the cylinder and leave them for about 30 minutes or
>so....they report people with chronic back pain and other problems who
>say their problem is gone when they come out of the cylinder!
>I understand it might take two or three exposures, but everyone who does
>it is ecstatic, because it works so well. Some of us are planning to
>visit them this summer to check it out for ourselves.
>It is so simple, it sounds like something anyone could pop together in
>their garage or business and just let people try it as they will, at no
>charge...if nothing else, to get anecdotal reports that might be
>proveable with before and after medical tests.
>Another version of course would be a hinged lid, like a sun tanning
>machine, magnets on the bottom, subject lies on table and lid is
>closed...heck, it could be a flexible mat with the magnets glued or sewn
>into it, like a blanket...I don't know of the curve is necessary for the
>best results, that would take some testing.
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
Chris Gupta