Re: Pine Trees

Jim Logue ( )
Sun, 15 Mar 1998 21:20:01 -0600

I have 500-800 White Pine and Austrian Pines among others. Can anybody
offer some
instructions on how to interface wires to the trees and the ground to
get the most
efficiency without doing any damage to them. I'd hate to do a lot of
to them and then 2 years later see them suffer a slow death.
Jim Logue
> Well you may kill the trees if you are not careful, Current flowing down a tree
> will kill it!
> In the other direction it will help in grow!
> Lemons are naturally acidic so it's easy to use one to run a LCD clock, the
> kits to do so have been sold for years. Now...Pine trees are also
> Acidic....I haven't tested this yet, but I wonder if you can get voltage
> out of pine trees like lemons?
> If so...What about a group of 50 to 100 trees hooked up all together?
> The trees are alive so they should keep growing and providing energy for as
> long as they are wired up.