Re: a new one for you ?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 15 Mar 1998 06:24:12 -0800

Hi Bob!

As to the KeelyNet mirror sites having dated information, they are only
up to see, I sent Bill Beaty a copy of the KeelyNet files at
that time and he made a one time there were 7 of them, before
I ever got on the web..<g>...when I got on, they were afraid I was going
to put everything here.....decided not to since all files up to 1994
were already available (3 mirrors currently)...but I do include new info
since 1994...soon I will have all the KeelyNet files posted as .zip
downloads so anyone can take whatever they wish for free.

The more people who start thinking, the more they will get excited by
possibilities and do some experiments that will help clear up this mess,
resolving it to something we can all use....whether it be a way to reduce
weight in mass or to produce over unity, it's all to the common good.

As to me having or developing my own F/E device, hasn't happened (or
would you rather I lie and say I had and it will cost you for hints or
plans or franchises...<g>..won't happen)...too much bubble gum to
chew..I'm hoping something major will break this year as to financing,
but no guarantees....people want it but they don't want to support
figuring out how it works....

As to Bill Fogal....I understand he won't relinquish control to let
others do something serious with his transistors....well, that's what I
heard last about 5 months ago..I'm not actively in contact with him
though Tom Bearden is.....currently, he is lucky if 1 in 10 of his
tabletop manufactured transistors work in the 'superconducting mode'.

As to Bearden, we communicate on a regular basis, both voice and
email...would you believe he's 67 now?? just had a birthday and he's a
bit frustrated that everything is moving so slowly.

I know it would give him IMMENSE pleasure and a sense of fulfillment to
have a working f/e device come to world attention, one that anyone could
build to prove using the Proof of Principle model (tabletop, cheap to
build using off the shelf parts)....I would love it that I or someone
could give that to him as a thanks for all he's done to promote the

Although we disagree on where our energies should be focussed, where he
says physics has to be corrected FIRST, whereas I say one working device
and the world will be in overtime to figure out how to explain it with
known 'laws', when they can't, they'll have to clear up the errors that
Tom is always pointing out....but either way, it's a win-win
situation...chicken or the egg...<g>..

As to Harold Aspden, we've swapped emails, he's another great guy with
all kinds of neat ideas and far, I don't think he
or his associates have anything on the market.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187