Re: New magnet therapy for pain relief

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 15 Mar 1998 06:00:21 -0800

Hi Sunil!

Thanks for the positive comments...I wrote down the website you mentioned
on the 'static magnetic flux generator' for magnetic therapy at and will check it out.

You know, Troy Reed and his wife Evelyn live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, about
300 miles or so from Dallas (where I live)....Troy is most famous for a
magnetic motor that ran itself many years ago and which for some odd
reason has never made it to the I've met Troy and Evelyn
and they are as 'down home' and nice as anyone you'd ever want to meet.

But your reference to magnet therapy made me think you'd be interested in
an offshoot of their work with magnets...

Basically, they took a large hollow cylinder, I think it's made of
plastic about 2-3 feet in diameter and about 6 feet long. They mounted
very strong magnets on the inside of this cylinder so that only the North
poles face inward.

Then they made a sliding table that a a person lies down on....they slide
the person into the cylinder and leave them for about 30 minutes or
so....they report people with chronic back pain and other problems who
say their problem is gone when they come out of the cylinder!

I understand it might take two or three exposures, but everyone who does
it is ecstatic, because it works so well. Some of us are planning to
visit them this summer to check it out for ourselves.

It is so simple, it sounds like something anyone could pop together in
their garage or business and just let people try it as they will, at no
charge...if nothing else, to get anecdotal reports that might be
proveable with before and after medical tests.

Another version of course would be a hinged lid, like a sun tanning
machine, magnets on the bottom, subject lies on table and lid is
closed...heck, it could be a flexible mat with the magnets glued or sewn
into it, like a blanket...I don't know of the curve is necessary for the
best results, that would take some testing.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187