Re: Gold

Paul Brown ( (no email) )
Sat, 14 Mar 1998 20:40:42 -0700

>By the way, they also reported on a accidental discovery by a student at
>University, seems he was doing some type of experiment with pieces of
>plastic of a certian type I can't recall at the moment. Anyway he
>accidently spilled some sulpheric acid on it. It dried overnight and he
>discovered his mistake the next day, but fortuantly he tested it and found
>to his amazment that it had stored a powerful electrical charge......a
>cheap plastic battery....
>I wonder what happened to this?
>Was it hushed up? Covered up? Or did the Goverment buy it up? I havn't seen
>any rechargable plastic, cheap batteries on the market.
The plastic batteries are still under development. Althought they work in
the lab, they have yet to be engineered for production line manucaturing.
Energy density is good, but working life is short. All the promise of the
light-weight plastic battery is still there, just not ready for market yet.
Paul Brown