Re: Mechanics of Fasting

Paul Brown ( (no email) )
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 11:57:05 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: Hexslinger <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, March 13, 1998 2:54 AM
Subject: Re: Mechanics of Fasting

>On Fri, 13 Mar 1998, Mathias wrote:
>> Fine...
>> I remember reading a study whereby those who ate less during there life
>> lived considerably older. Also folks associated with not eating, or
>> eating very little are known to practice some kind of spiritual
>> activities (special breathing, meditation...). Most people who are
>> offended by certain claims, claims defacto claimed as fraudulent, do not
>> bother to replicate openly and sincerly the experiment, or even to read
>> the material available etc.
>And all this is HIGHLY dependent upon what they actually *DID* eat.
>I have yet to see anyone who has 'never eaten' and lived - how do *YOU*
>know that someone isn't sneaking in a snickers on the side? Has a
>CONTROLLED EXPERIMENT ever been performed where someone CLAIMING not to
>have eaten for [fill in the blank] has been isolated from food in a
>controlled environment and monitored to see what their reaction is?
>Somehow I think you'd be suprised as to the results: if they're deprived
>of food, they'll slowly wither and die. Gee, what a shock. The body is one
>giant battery -- without hydrocarbons, it turns in on itself, feeding off
>the body's own proteins to keep energy flowing -- until eventually the
>whole system breaks down and the body dies. Every battery needs
>recharging, and so does yours.
Hear-Hear! Finally, someone with some common sense.

>> > Give me a break, even Jesus ate.
>> Did you mean Joshua?
>No, he meant Yeshua. At least get it right.