Re: Mechanics of Fasting

Hexslinger ( )
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 03:10:57 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 13 Mar 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Were this supply cut off, death would immediately ensue; it is a fact
> well demonstrated that the resonating brain-structure is the first to
> undergo decomposition.
> .............
> Now, I don't see that he is saying you have to actually forego food
> entirely, just that if you don't have these gases to sustain the rotating
> envelopes, the organism dies...

This fits in well with my 'the body is a battery' analogy -- it also
brings up the idea of using radionics to supply the frequencies generated
by proteins directly. No more need for consumption -- ingestion? Thing of
the past - just bathe in the wonderful glow of yum-yum goodness which is
composed of the component frequencies corresponding to the proteins needed
by the body to survive. Each protein is the current carrier for a specific
process in the body - without it, that process breaks down - you know the
rest. The body has all the energy it needs -- but like any battery, needs
to be periodically "recharged" -- through the consumption of the
life-sustaining proteins it needs to survive.

I'd love to see someone generate a chart listing the various proteins (I
forget - there's something like 13 proteins needed by the body?) and their
resonant frequencies so someone could perform a radionics experiment ---
isolate them for ... say a week ... giving them only radionic treatments
for nutrition -- and monitor their progress.

Incidentally - do these breatharian folks stop eating and *DRINKING*, or
just eating? That must be taken into account as well... any
volunteers? <g>