Re: Mechanics of Fasting

Mathias ( )
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 02:44:42 -0700

Hi Paul Brown, you wrote:
> It is a simple experiment to repeat. It has been performed more times than
> we can count. Don't eat...die of starvation!
> The mechanics of fasting:Your body is fueled by carbohydrates; remove them
> and soon your body goes into ketosis and proceeds to burn the protein that
> makes up the muscle in your body. That is, your body begins to eat itself.

I remember reading a study whereby those who ate less during there life
lived considerably older. Also folks associated with not eating, or
eating very little are known to practice some kind of spiritual
activities (special breathing, meditation...). Most people who are
offended by certain claims, claims defacto claimed as fraudulent, do not
bother to replicate openly and sincerly the experiment, or even to read
the material available etc.

> Give me a break, even Jesus ate.

Did you mean Joshua?
