Lawnmower engine experiment

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 23:42:55 -0800

Hi Folks!

The following was posted by Tim Vaughn on the freenrg list;
> In around 1985, a gentleman named Ken McNiel who organized one of
> the first free energy conference told me that he managed to get a fly
> wheel magneto from a lawn mower (Briggs and Stratton) to self run
> for over 4 hours by using two samarium cobalt magnets in attraction
> mode one on the edge of a rotating disc and one fixed.
> The magneto coil was stationary. At precisely the right moment the
> points (contacts) on the magneto were opened and this caused a back
> EMF that created a push from an electromagnet that was enough to push
> the attracting magnets past center to get it to next the cycle and
> this, he said, would repeat indefinitely.
> The device was difficult to adjust and he tried to build a bigger one
> by robbing parts from the working model (a big no-no). He was not
> able to get the bigger model to work. I don't know if ever managed
> or even tried to get the original to work again.--
Jerry W. Decker / / "From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187