Re: Tensor Coil

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 20:15:03 -0800

Hi Mark!

Yes, Bob Billingsley is I think emanon...we email periodically to discuss
various subjects though mostly he is into time travel....still, to date,
no one has taken up the gauntlet to prove that they can actually do it.

Though I get a lot of new age goofs saying they can do it mentally but
they don't think they have to prove it to anyone with a verfiable
experiment. I'm more interested in the possibilities of anti-time as
posted at;

Bob sent both of those files here and I posted them in the time section.
Smith coils are basically wound at 45 degrees from each crossing, which
is exactly how the caduceus coil is wound. Normally with a true scalar
as I understand it, a full 180 degree phase shift is required to cancel
the magnetic component and leave only the electric field...note, this is
not an electrostatic field....Dr. Hooper called it a 'motional field'
because it can pass through matter without any attenuation whatsoever
because it has no inductive properties, so magnetism doesn't affect it
and because it has no capacitive properties, so electrostatics doesn't
affect it.

There are of course gradations of 'scalar' stresses on space, 180 being
the purest, 135, 90 and 45 being other degrees of stress. The problem is
proving this by being able to measure it with a meter or on an

At any rate, the URL you sent for pmason was not valid and the one you
sent for emanon was equally flawed;
> http:\\users1.eenet/pmason/caduceus.html should have been
> but there is no such site.

The other one;
> http:\\ should have been

You just have to experiment, though I would be extremely careful about
turning the thing toward my body....two researchers in California were
broadcasting a RIFE fequency into a caduceus coil as in the picture,
while viewing live blood through a microscope. They noticed the blood
cells were popping like balloons. They finally realized if this was
happening on the microscope slide, it would also be happening in their
body, so they turned off the Rife machine.

I think it was too much power, since this 'pure electric field' takes
very little power to produce macro effects....

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187