Re: Aether Comments (2 of 2)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 17:55:21 -0800

Hi Bob et al!

I have been told by various spooks or spook groups (meaning they
won't identify themselves or produce any kind of traceable
information about their claims or work) that for all the aether and
other energies which are absorbed through these hyperspace gateways,
there is a corresponding reflux back into 3space in the larger form of
stars and in the 'emergence' of matter using E=MC^.

The claim is that if we try to tap the aether inflows by forcing it, we
must do so either in a limited, low power drain on the ambient aether to
give it time to recover from the unnatural drain, OR we must establish a
'balanced system' that will simply direct the aether through a load to do
work but arrange for it to return to the ambient aether present in that
locale. Otherwise, all kinds of weirdness including some dangerous
effects are produced.

> 2. Picture this. You are in a room with "light walls", ceiling and
> floor (okay, you can put on your shades). In this room, you have
> a glass table, with all sorts of glass objects on it.

> The challenge: Create a completely shaded area...

I've read about creating a suction above a wing or object to cause it to
lift. Other reports say create a device that will completely block
aether, kind of like the sci-fi 'cavorite' paint that deflected or
repelled gravity when exposed to it over large surfaces.

There was a description a few months back posted to a newsgroup, claiming
a fellow had actually built a device that would block aether or
gravity....I think I saved it somewhere..he describes its construction
which is what got my attention, not just a claim but something you could
build for yourself...I'll post it if I can find the email.

IMHO, interference is the key to altering aether flows, whether using
controlled phase conjugation or the noisy spark gap technique of high
energy spikes.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187