Inertial reaction

Bill McMurtry ( )
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 00:00:44 +1000

Hi all,

I pose a simple mechanical question to which, I hope, there is a simple

Suppose we have a balanced beam pivoted at the centre and at rest
horizontally (like a see-saw or teeter-totter). Above each end of this beam
are suspended two equal masses. Both masses are at equal height. The masses
are positioned so that when dropped each will strike opposite ends of the
horizontal beam at equal distances from the central pivot point.

In this arrangement if both equal masses are dropped at the same time and
therefore impact the balanced beam at the same time, the beam will remain
horizontal and balanced. Each end of the beam experiences an equal reaction
to the gained inertial energy of each mass falling under the influence of

Suppose we place a device at one end of the beam so that on impact the
gained inertial energy of one mass is captured and stored. A spring/catch
mechanism to perform this function is the simplest device that comes to
mind. Ignore the added weight of the spring/catch mechanism, for the sake
of clarity. Would the balanced beam experience, on impact of the two
falling masses, an unequal reaction due to the gained inertial energy of
one mass being captured and stored by the spring/catch mechanism?

