Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

Hexslinger ( )
Sun, 8 Mar 1998 19:21:45 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 8 Mar 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Jesus must have weighed in at about 150 pounds. So there is no way a
> bubble of air under his feet could support him. For movie stunts
> duplicating this walking on water feat, a thick sheet of clear plastic or
> glass is placed slightly below the surface of water, making it invisible
> to anyone looking into the water.

Ok, so there's no way he could've trapped air under his feet - and he sure
as hell wasn't wearing any large wings to cause a ground effect (heh -
that would've been a sight to see) - and barring any weight-alteration, I
don't see it as being possible. Chalk it up to 'wishful theistic thinking'
and move on, ya know?

> I will opt for the latter, he somehow reduced his physical weight to a
> degree that he could not sink. Anyone see any other way to do this?

I don't even see that as a way of doing it, since nowhere is it mentioned
that he had the power to alter his weight. Again, I think it was just
wishful thinking and exaggeration.