Re:Anti time

MARC OLHOEFT ( seapower@Alaska.NET )
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 09:13:59 -0900

In following Your reasoning and Extending.IMHO Aether influx Must be
Either Very Directional which does not follow other experimenters
results ie:T Brown or It must Pass through Matter with some resistance
otherwise the Aether (Pressure)would equalize and we would not
experience the (gravity effect)as Pressure on all sides would be even.
As You know T Browns Gravity Detectors are based on high density high K
dielectric materials therefore we should be able to measure the relative
Aether Flow using dual same material based detectors with known K
dielectric differences then compare this result with conventional
weighing should give us the Aether Flow Constant for that
particular Material? (If My Brain Is Speaking). Marc

I'm trying to Think,But Nothings Happening!!
Curley "Three Stooges"