Low Frequency Correlations.

Dave ( gravman@netinc.ca )
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 22:25:22 +0500

> JW Decker wrote:
> Within that mass or zone, we will be able to produce controlled
> phenomena, ranging from temporal to gravity variations. Just so.

OK, concerning the Holy Bible, apparently Jesus WALKED ON WATER more
than once BEFORE he died. He told his followers, that they too could
perform miracles like him, if they only believed that with God, all
things are possible.

Now, let's think about that FACT and other correlations:

1. This planet's frequency is around 7.8Hertz.
2. This frequency is affected by the approximate 28 Hertz Moon frequency
on "Full Moon Cycles". This in turn causes numerous things to occur,
such as producing "weird" Pschological effects on humans and animals.
3. Our brain wave frequencies vary between 5 and 17 Hertz, dependent on
moods, sleep cycle's, Euphoria, etc.
4. Nikola Tesla stated that if one would place a wire around the
equator of the earth, he could MOVE the planet anywhere he wished.
5. Recently, during surgery, more anaesthesiasts are monitoring and
relying on brain wave frequencies BELOW 12 hertz to indicate to them,
the depth of sleep the patient is in, to adjust anaesthetic quantity
accordingly without having the patient croak from overdose.
6. Ancient civilizations could levitate huge rocks by producing SUB-
HARMONICS in the range of 7 to 15 Hertz by BEAT frequency differences
of higher musical and percussion instrument frequencies.
7. Some Human minds can PROJECT same range of low frequencies to perform
amazing things like bending spoons and moving objects from a
distance, etc.
8. Apparantly, JW Keely could levitate things by Beat frequencies
resulting from higher sum and difference frequencies.
9. It's a commonly believed by many that a dead person or animal "FEELS
HEAVIER" than they did when they were alive! I can relate to this
being true after carrying one of our cats that passed away. I swear
that it had to weigh a minimum 3 pounds more than it did alive!

Maybe the life force frequency went from from a higher than earth
frequency, back down to earth's frequency!

From this knowlege, and the fact that low frequencies have a very long
penetrating wavelength, mass can be made to move, stand still, or
disintegrate. With these facts, performing miracles should be possible!

If anyone could ADD to this list..."PoP" in and SHARE some knowledge!

Gees Jerry, your sounding more and more like Captain Peecard!
..."MAKE IT SO" <g>


--          "When a TRUE GENIUS APPEARS, you can know him by this sign:            THAT ALL THE DUNCES ARE IN A CONFEDERACY AGAINST HIM!"                                          ... Jonathan Swift