Re: Low Frequency Correlations/Intolerance

Hexslinger ( )
Sat, 7 Mar 1998 20:41:30 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 8 Mar 1998, Bill McMurtry wrote:

> Hello Hexslinger,
> sorry, I just could'nt let this pass without comment.

I know, that's what intentional... :)

> I am presently almost exclusively directing my energies towards attempting
> to understand/reproduce Bessler's wheel. This fellow produced his devices
> in the early 1700's. All I have to work with are the various documents
> relating to his work and my own powers of SPECULATION, combined with
> experiment and open enquiry. Trying to apply explanations to the nature of
> Bessler's wheel mechanism, which I obviously did not personally witness,
> does not have the effect of drowning my mind, and I do not see it as
> pointless. On the contrary, speculation can be part of a positive and
> creative process in the quest for discovery.

Speculation can be good when you have solid experimentation to validate
yourself. I suppose I really should've phrased that differently, so allow
me to reiterate: I find the concept of trying to match events to your
beliefs to be highly annoying. It's destructive and mind-drowning.
But I think most of all what I really hate is *IDLE SPECULATION*. You say
you have experimentation to validate your views. Hey, great - however, I
find that many people just start spouting ideas without any solid evidence
to back them up. I *REALLY* hate that -- because eventually everyone has
to put in their two-cents worth, and the whole discussion becomes bogged
down in - you guessed it - IDLE SPECULATION. I've seen too many lists and
subs get drowned in that kind of activity. Can you see where I'm coming
from on this?

> Why is it that you can not accept (apparently) that there are as many ways
> of doing something as there are people? IMHO, being highly opinionated is
> fine, but not at the expense of an open mind. I am not questioning your
> beliefs or opinions, but please don't beat us over the head with them - I
> find THAT highly disturbing!

I'm not beating you over the head with my beliefs - if I were, I'd be
screaming "repent you vile scum" or some other evangelist slogan at the
top of my lungs (not that I'm christian, which I'm not). I'm not
sacrificing my open mind. I heard a great quote once which kinda sums
everything up:

'Dont be so open-minded that your BRAINS fall out.'

I think that's the point I'm trying to illustrate. Don't take it