Re: Kirlionics?

TeagueFamily ( )
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 12:35:10 +1200

Jerry et al

> Anyone got any details or heard about this subject or workshop?
> > Kirlionics 26th March 1998..
> > Visit the First New Zealand workshop of the human atmosphere
> > and approaches to Applied Bioelectrography

The following snippets are quoted from a notice in the latest "Soil &
Health" magazine ie Vol 56, #4, a New Zealand publication.
"The Aura Men are Coming!"

"This will be your chance to meet with the two world experts on the
human aura and the electronic aids that maybe used to view it and
interept it for health, psychological and political purposes. Your aura
tells everyone all about yourself and potentially breaks down the
barriers that presently confront mankind."

"Hear leading Russian expert on the Kirlian phenomena, etc, Dr Tom
Chalko of Moscow and Prof Newton Milhommens of Brazil speak about and
demonstate the latest technology for viewing the human aura and take
part in the most advanced workshop ever to arrive in New Zealand."

"There are presently 44 known commercial systems available for viewing
and recording the aura and the Workshop will cover and in some cases
demonstrate these."

"For further information and a registration form contact: Kirlionic, PO
Box 101732, North Shore Mail Centre, Auckland, Tel: (09) 444 2944."
There is some more explaining auras... I'm a painfully slow typist!! It
tickles my interest but I don't live in Auckland ie the plane trip and
accommodation is too much effort for an evening talk.

Cheers... Rex