Re: Questions.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 07 Mar 1998 08:04:25 -0800

Hi Dave!

I don't know what is going on with the KeelyNet-L list...I have 3 bounced
messages saying they weren't received. I got two emails from the list
provider Friday about the 'no subject' errors in the archive, but that is
not Ron's computer, so has no relation to the might be
down for something though...

As to Rory Johnson, now dead, Gerald Orlowski and his wife June are the
current keepers of the keys...and I have a complete set of HUGE
blueprints that I bought from June at the INE conference in 1994.

Gerald and June are the nicest and most sincere people you ever want to
meet. He is very enthusiastic since he saw the motor run when he worked
with Johnson....I think his mistake was to make modifications to it
before getting it to work using the original design/plans. Note it used
a deuterium based fuel cell as the trigger mechanism..

What just blows me away is the contention that magnetism attracts to
other magnetism, whereas electricity repels from electricity. This is an
amazing statement.

Gerald said he was worried on looking at the motor after Johnson died
that the EXPOSED wires could short to the holes in the metal. Though the
motor worked, he decided to be cautious and insulated the wires, the
motor wouldn't work, it took him quite awhile to REALIZE what Johnson was
saying, that magnetic force COMBINES so he needed the exposed wires, it
was unimportant if the wires touched the metal or not.

I don't quite understand this but it makes sense in line with many other
ideas I've read about electricity being a disruptive, expanding,
degenerative force while magnetism is a negentropic, contracting,
regenerative force.

In the case of Johnson as with so many others, IMHO we should be looking
for the PoP, forget about the 525 HP motor, just figure out how to test
this claim of magnetic combination to accumulate energy...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187