Anti-Time (1 of 2)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 07 Mar 1998 04:58:58 -0800

Hi Folks!

Happened to be up late one night and saw a rerun of a Star Trek Next
Generation (STNG) episode. It was a two parter where the same Enterprise
in 3 different time periods had projected the same kind of beam (inverse
tachyon) towards a certain location in space (the Devron system), but
from different angles.

This caused a 'rift in time' that caused time to flip and become
anti-time, where anything that came into this inverse time field would
begin to de-age, to follow the same growth path that got it to where it

The idea of Time Travel is interesting but this Anti-Time idea beat it
all to heck. People reported old scars healing and they became younger
by the day. The episode showed this anti-time field growing to
eventually take over entire star systems, all from this collision of
waves that flipped the time stream and cause the rupture.

Now, the basic idea is PURE TOM BEARDEN....using phase conjugation, same
energy projected from 3 perspectives to collide...the fault to my view is
once the beam was shut off in one time, it would have no further effect
on whatever happened in the future, however, if the time fabric was
distorted, then subsequent beams directed to the same point but from
different angles could cause the anti-time rift.

But, the reason I'm writing this is because of the properties of this
negentropic field (anti-time)...entropy is the gradual dissolution of
order to a chaotic neg-entropy is bringing order out of a
chaotic state, which is precisely what nature does everyday. Schauberger
and others have called it implosion (though Schauberger said a balanced
version existed which he called 'impansion')....

There have been reports of activated or energized water that had healing
or in some cases rejuvenating properties. Could there be a way to
produce an energy field or zone that would exert 'anti-time' effects on
any mass brought into it? Is there a correlation here with reduced or
cancelled aether influx into mass? I think so. Keely said 'Time is
Gravity' slow or stop aether, time slows or stops FOR THAT MASS.

Think of two identical frequencies projected together and displayed on an
oscillosope. By adjusting the phase of one frequency to the other, you
can create a bubble/envelope at 180 degrees. At less than 180 degrees,
one wave moves backward, at greater than 180 degrees one wave moves

By using this very simple phase conjugation technique, applied to produce
a push, pull or balance against aether influx, we should be able to
slow, accelerate or stop time.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187