New Book : Keely and Levitation

Dave ( )
Fri, 06 Mar 1998 18:18:01 +0500

> Theo Paijmans wrote:

> You will find an entire chapter on Keely's levitation experiments in
> my new book on Keely, fully referenced (more than 1000 footnotes).
> The book will appear in April.
> Hope that my book will aide you in your researches.
> Theo Paijmans
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Illuminet Homepage:
> Free Energy Pioneer: John Worrell Keely
> by Theo Paijmans
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Over a century ago a man in Philadelphia made the most important
> discovery of all times: a mysterious source of unlimited, everlasting
> energy. For more than a quarter of a century he experimented with this
> force. He built a staggering 2,000 machines and devices that ran on
> the energy he had discovered.
> More than a century ago he experimented with antigravity, and
> contemporary accounts state that he found a solution. Others claim to
> have witnessed how he disintegrated solid substances with the help of
> his esoteric force. A company was established and funded with
> $5,000,000 in capital to support him. Many came to know of his
> discovery and witness his demonstrations, including Nikola Tesla,
> Jules Verne and Thomas Edison.
> The occult underground reverberated when they learned of his
> discovery. Theosophical society founder Madam Blavatsky and the
> founder of the anthroposophical movement, Rudolf Steiner, wrote and
> lectured on his mysterious energy. Early science fiction still owes a
> debt to him and his work.
> The name of the enigmatic inventor: John Worrell Keely. He was one of
> the world's first and foremost free energy pioneers.
> * What did Keely claim to have discovered?
> * What happened to Keely's manuscripts and his nearly 2,000 devices
> and engines?
> * Why was the occult underground so interested in him?
> * What was the nature of his antigravity experiments?
> * Is there a connection between the early 19th century UFO
> sightings and Keely's antigravity devices?
> * What is the secret tradition of occult technology?
> * What is the connection between early free-energy research and the
> occult underground?
> * What is the true identity of the legendary Vril society and their
> debt to Keely?
> * Who was behind Keely's character assassination and why?
> In a dazzling and extremely detailed tour de force, European author
> and researcher Theo Paijmans takes us on a journey through the very
> underground of free-energy research, permitting the reader a view into
> the dark heart of secret societies and occult orders such as
> N.Y.Z.M.A., the Lodge Pansophia, the Fraternitas Saturni, the real
> Vril Society, and the early manifestations of the UFO phenomenon.
> Meet mysterious occultists like Paschal Beverly Randolph, Frans
> Hartmann, O.T.O. pangenitor Karl Kelner, Guido von List, Lans von
> Liebenfels, J.K. Rensburg and many others. Encounter some of their
> incredible ideas such as communication with species on other planets,
> the aura, telepathy, Atlantis and the ultimate evolution of mankind
> through free-energy. Ether ray inventor Oskar Korshelt, free energy
> reseracher John Spear, occult technologists Hoene Wronski and Saint
> Yves d'Alveydre are discussed. Glimpse into the secrets of the
> original Rosecrucians.
> Read about Koons' and Tippie's spirit machines and Mesmer's animal
> magnetism, Reichenbach's Od and Bulwer-Lytton's Vril force. Includes,
> for the first time in the English language, new material on the
> mysterious Austrian inventor Karl Schappeller, and never before
> published letters by Nikola Tesla.
> Heavily documenting his thesis, Paijmans clearly demonstrates that
> Keely and these inventors did not work in isolation, but in the
> confines of a very secret and silent tradition: the tradition of
> occult technology.
> * $19.95
> * Introduction by John Keel
> * 400+ pages
> * Index, Photographs and Diagrams
> * 6 x 9 quality paperback
> * ISBN: 1-881532-15-1
> Available Spring, 1998!
> IllumiNet Press Homepage: