Re: Something you should really examine.

Marvin Jones ( )
Fri, 6 Mar 1998 16:36:25 +1300

At 09:43 4/03/98 PST, you wrote:
>That is a feeble arguement.
>>If you're speaking of the Peri Reis (sp?) map - just where the hell
>>it say "Atlantis" on Antartica, hm?
>(No, I am not insulting you I am just stating that your arguement needs
>more references so that it has legs to stand on.)
>flood humans had close to 100% use of their brains, technology far
>superior, yet much simpler may have existed. Construction of the Great
>Pyramid, Stonehenge, Easter Island Statues and other such anomolous
>feats of construction to them may have been a piece of cake.

Just wait a sec here - anyione live near Florida? In Florida (and this is on
Keelynet as well as other places on the Net) is a place called Coral Castle.
MAde by a Latvian immigrant to the US, noone has quite worked out how these
statues - built by one man without machinery, each block weighing several
tonnes - all fitted precisely together and built into statues etc.

To this day noone knows how it was done. However, the builder said the
gained the knowledge from the Incas.
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