RE: Wingate Lambertson: WIN Process and Cermet

Reed Huish ( (no email) )
Thu, 5 Mar 1998 12:25:07 -0700

> Has anyone heard any more about Wingate Lambertson's WIN (World
> Neurtrinos) process. I was just flicking through Jeane
Manning's "The
> Coming Energy Revolution" and wondered if any one had heard any
more on it.

Our company has been working with Win for over a year now, during
which time progress has been slow but steady. Win makes a strong
case that he has achieved o/u results of over 200% in the past,
but stability has been a problem. Last week he reported to me
more stable o/u results of 135%, with a net power output of about
75 watts. It's a good start, given this technology is solid
state and relatively simple.

The next step is to have his process tested independently with
the right test gear. I have been involved in multiple
technologies in which results of 150-500% are claimed, but when
properly tested, some measurement error was usually uncovered and
hence the machine was not o/u. Win is a solid researcher and
maybe he has something now. We won't know, however, until it has
been checked out. With a concrete result of 135%, substantial
resources can be warranted to pursue a first-class research and
marketing program on his technology.

- Reed

Reed Huish, President & CEO
Zenergy Corporation
Post Office Box 73, Chandler AZ 85244-0073
Phone: 602.814.7865 Fax: 602.821.0967
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