Re: Something you should really examine.

Hexslinger ( )
Wed, 4 Mar 1998 23:02:06 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 4 Mar 1998, CJT Enterprises one wrote:

> That is a feeble arguement.

No, yours is a feeble arguement - you refuse to provide any evidence to
back up your statements.

> >If you're speaking of the Peri Reis (sp?) map - just where the hell
> does
> >it say "Atlantis" on Antartica, hm?
> (No, I am not insulting you I am just stating that your arguement needs
> more references so that it has legs to stand on.)

Funny, I was just about to say the same thing about you. Everything that I
have said is easily verifiable. Solon's description of the island that
atlantis lies upon gave VERY specific accounts of the size of the island,
and it's geography. It wouldn't take very much research to simply find
samples of egyptian text from the era around 2100-1200 BC, and compare the
egyptian symbols for tens and hundreds. Solon misunderstood the
measurements recorded by the Egyptian priests, and all his records were
thus ten times too big. According to Plato, the island was approximately
3000x2000 stades - if we reduce this figure to 300x200 stades, this
virtually matches the actual size of the island of Santorini : 34x23
miles. This can be verified your damn self, get an atlas.

> I would suggest watching the Discovery channel program that discusses
> this. Where did it say Atlantis on your islands? (< See how feeble it
> is?)Point being, no one knows for sure where Atlantis was. By all
> accounts it was a technologically advanced society. Since before the
> flood humans had close to 100% use of their brains, technology far
> superior, yet much simpler may have existed. Construction of the Great
> Pyramid, Stonehenge, Easter Island Statues and other such anomolous
> feats of construction to them may have been a piece of cake.

No - point being *YOU* do not know where Atlantis is. You are making pure
conjecture based on your own ideas - whereas I have provided actual
evidence. If you would get off your ass and actually read the records left
behind by Plato instead of mindlessly accepting what you see on
television, then maybe we wouldn't be having this conversation. Do keep in
mind that anything you see on "Discovery" is meant for ENTERTAINMENT -
they're not out to prove a damn thing. Atlantis was a trading port for the
minoans. If you want further information, I can post the file I have in
it's entirity on this list (-- that is, if you don't mind, Jerry) --
or I can email it to you directly. Take your choice, fool.