Re: Renewable Energy Rally/Adams

Bill McMurtry ( )
Thu, 05 Mar 1998 16:57:17 +1000

Hi Cris, Hi Jerry, Hi et al,

Yep, I worked with Adams. Worked real close with the guy for about 18
months (lived with Bob and his wife Margaret as their guest for quite a few
weeks) when his claims were centre stage. I've built motors and switches
for Adams (and myself) and was involved with the application of 'TOP
SECRET' harmonic (Bruce Cathy) parameters to the devices.

I fell out with Adams in a big way when I discovered how/where he was
making a systematic error in his motor input/output analysis. He was'nt
real keen to inform his followers of this, which I thought was
irresponsible (some people were spending big money and time searching for
Adams' so called o/u). Adams wanted to continue as though nothing had
happened (and still does from what I hear). I ended up delivering my
findings, and my opinion of the project, at the '94 Denver symposium on new
energy so that anyone interested could decide for themselves on the value
of Adams' claims.

Interestingly, I was canvassed, by a few of the 'big boys' in the free
energy world at the time, not to deliver this information. They felt that
by delivering the truth about the Adams project I would in some way
undermine the free energy "house of cards". This attitude is obviously
outdated - truth is best.

IMHO the free energy movement (or should I say 'industry') has, in the
past, encouraged a system of non-accountability. Perhaps not quite so much
today. Things are changing. Serious researchers are a little less patient
with the 'game' these days. But still there are those that believe that
little 'white deceptions' can forward the cause.

Truth is best.


At 22:18 4/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Chris et al!
>You wrote;
>> So.....what's the latest on the Adam's Motor? Anybody know? And
>> does anyone know how to make to intersecting electromagnetic waves
>> resonate?
>The Adams motor would be Bill McMurtry's bailiwick...I believe he's even
>worked WITH Adams and seen as well as measured the demonstrations of the
>motor....ain't that right Bill???
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187