ZPE Tap Correlations

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 04 Mar 1998 22:13:33 -0800

Hi Folks!

Chec out this EXCELLENT response by John Steck to Ross Tessien as posted
to Bill Beaty's vortex-l discussion list;

Ross wrote;
> > But I don't think you can tap the turbulence of spacetime like most
> > on this group think you can tap into zpe.

I also do not agree. There is a pattern in many existing devices and
experiments that I am just beginning to recognize. They all have their
own special twist, but in effect all do the same thing: create localized
aether vortexes or sinks. IMO these sinks are responsible for the
various perceived anomalies in efficiency and entropy.

> There is a version of a device claiming this posted I think on Bill
> Beaty's site as a capacitor-based device that claims to entrain aether
> into a column of force.

One of several good examples of what I suggest. In short, think of the
energy density we exist in as a super fluid (in step with Ross's
resonance model). Inducing vortexes in this energy density create
localized gradients or biased flow patterns. The interaction of these
localized gradients or biased flow patterns with the rest of the energy
density induce localized event horizons (different resonance filtering,
etc.). The expression of these event horizons take the form of perceived
gravity modification, energy excesses, and etc.

These events appear to us as o/u, but in effect are fully conserved
translations or conversions of the density field and typically last only
as long as containment of the gradient or flow is maintained (unless
matter resonance is created or fundamentally changed). I see this as the
common thread of most every odd device or odd natural phenomenon
discussed on this list so far.

Huh? Yep, bold statement but I will be the first to put my foot in my
mouth on this. Creating these aether sinks seems to be pretty easy.
They happen naturally around us given the right conditions; tornadoes,
ball lightning, plasmoids, etc. I believe we induce them in many common
devices right now too, but are unaware we are doing so. Only recently
have we begun to look for the signatures. Unfortunately many clouding
theories are being built based on individual observations, not the root
cause. Look for rotational interaction patterns and you will find
efficiency and/or entropy anomalies; extreme temperature devices,
resonance structures, electric currents, magnetic field dragging,
plasmas, etc. Apply the theory and find the technique that maintains
the strongest gradient for the longest time. It really shouldn't matter
what medium you chose to work in as the basic element is not material or
process specific, but kinetic specific.

Ok, enough day dreaming. Don't judge it or start throwing math at it
just yet. Think about it. Evaluate this theory against the experiments
you've done so far or devices you've personally worked on. Please share
any revelations or insights you may have. 8^)

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187