Re: Renewable Energy Rally

CJT Enterprises one ( (no email) )
Wed, 04 Mar 1998 10:29:21 PST

Jerry et al,

>So, this means anyone who is looking for a source of renewable or
>alternative energy is a 'coward'? ;) AND renewable energy is now
>with anti-war?
Nowhere did I say in my post that looking for renewable or alternative
energy sources was cowardly or equated with "anti-war". Where you got
this idea is beyond me. What I was saying is that I do not believe
antiwar mailing projects will further renewable/alternaitve energy
resources research. Anti-war talk is polictics NOT free-energy or
overuntiy or electric health talk.

>Chris, you baffle me with your 'logic', entirely missing
>disregarding the point of the post by choosing to blast the entire
>project with a anti-war/coward label.

To me the point of the posting seemed to not be renewable/alternative
but talk about the coming possibity of another Iraqi war. And flooding
Washington with letters against this. If we do go to war the point wont
be over energy but over Chemical/Biological Weapons.

>Renewable Energy rally says it all, I appended the conversation and
>comments from friends about WHY we get involved in the business of
>countries with cheap oil as an aside. It is true now and it will
>be true. Implementation of Renewable energy in our everyday lives
>make all the difference on many levels, ecological, health, financial
>political for starters.

As for a way to promote Free-energy research in the open, let us drop
completely the anti-war guise and flood not only Washington but
Nightline and others with requests into this area. This to me would
seem to be a better way of pointing out the need for a look into R/A
energy resources instead of antiwar mailings.
If anybody wants the numbers to the faxes at Nightline let me know.
Maybe we can get enough to get them to look into and do a special on
this area. THAT would be worth something.



PS Hey Jerry is there anymore research going into the Adam's motor or
having two electromagnetic waves resonating with each other.

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