Re: Something you should really examine.

Don Straatman ( )
Wed, 04 Mar 1998 08:45:25 +1100

Did you ever think that THEY might have been civilisation? :)

The old ones travelled around a lot more than we think. We have documentated
cases of Egyptian writing being found here in Oz

Dr Jones wrote:

> At 09:03 3/03/98 PST, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Atlantis was Antartica before it froze. Refer to the map that was
> Ive never seen such a blatent assertion :) How were they supposed to trade
> thousands of K's away from other civilisations?
> Besides, the maps u're referring to were drawn by a turkish sea captain off
> older maps. Some show anatarctica without the ice. I believe that the
> library of alexandria would have shed much more light on this. Anyone ready
> with their time tavel machine yet??
> >discovered and dates back to 1500's which shows the coastline of
> >Antartica accurately without ice and as a tropical region. The map was
> >based on an older map with notes commenting on an advanced society
> >living there. It was said they lived there over 4000-5000yrs ago.
> >
> DrJ
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >Chris
> >
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