Re: The Propulsion System of the Roswell UFO: Is it similar to
Tue, 3 Mar 1998 08:24:02 -0600 (CST)

On 03/03/98 18:37:33 you wrote:
>At 18:56 2/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> Everyone,
>>> I am sure that most of you have heard at least the basics about the
>>>This is from page 100 and 101 of his book
>>> "The Day After Roswell".
>>> The craft was able to displace
>>> gravity though the propagation of magnetic wave, controlled by shifting
>>> magnetic poles around the craft so as to control, or vector, not a
>>> propulsion system but the repulsion of force like charges.
>>> The air force discovered that the entire vehicle functioned just like a
>>> giant capacitor. In other words, the craft itself stored the energy
>>> necessary to propagate the magnetic wave that elevated it, allowed it to
>>> achieve escpae velocity from earth's gravity, and enabled it to achieve
>>> speeds of over seven thousand miles per hour. The pilots weren't
affected by
>>> the tremendous g forces that build up in the acceleration of
>>> aircraft because to aliens inside, it enveloped the craft."
>> Does it sound similar to Townsend
>>> Brown's? What do you think?
>Whose book is this and how did they come to find this info out? The entire
>operation was kept highly militarised after the incident. Lots of scared
>people running around.

This information came from the book "The Day After Roswell" by Ret. Col.
Philip J. Corso. During the early 60's he was the head of the Army's Foreign
Technology Division. His job "officially" was to gather intelligence about
technology used by other countries and to develope it for the use in the
United States military. During his time in the Pentagon as the head of that
division/department under General Trudeau he was given what he called the
"nut" file which was a large file cabanet. General Trudeau ordered him to go
through its contents and try and see what technology might be developed.
Well, it just turned out that the documents and debris inside it were about
and from the Roswell Incident which was the crash of an extraterrestrial
space craft.

He went through the debris and documents and "seeded" certian industries
with extraterrestrial technology. He would look for a project somewhere that
was already developing or theorizing about a technology and he would let
them either have or examine a piece of his wreckage for a certain ammount of
time. Examples are the Laser, Fiber Optic, the integrated circuit, night
vision, and others.

In his book he wrote about what he remembers from the documents he read at
the pentagon. I have read his book and there are several references to the
extraterrestrial propulsion system which he says creates a local
gravitational field around the craft.

If you have not done so you need to buy a copy of his book or try and find
one at the library and read it. It is AMAZING and makes a lot of sence.

>Also, it does sound like Brown's work (which came first - his work or this
>story?). Einstein noted that if you can overcome gravity, you should
>overcome inertia as well...

Well, Roswell happened in 1947 and Townsend Brown has theorized about
electrogravitics long before that...I wonder if in his later research if he
got some help and/or information from other sources.

take care and God Bless.

Best Regards,
