Re: Something you should really examine.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 03 Mar 1998 01:37:53 -0800

Hi Hex, Bill et al!

Gosh, 'et al' is a popular fellow!! Some other crystal weirdness from a

I have a rare videotape by one of what I consider one of the greatest
crystal experimenters, the late Les Brown of Canada. It took me about 8
years to locate this it, Les explains how he thinks crystals
work (and which he claims to have proven by experiment), how the energy
can be focussed or spread out by shaped tips...most interesting he ties
it all into pyramidal forms and geometry....

I transcribed the technical comments from the tape into a file which I
haven't posted at the KeelyNet site might be available at one of
the lbrown.asc or lbrown.htm

Here are some brief excerpts, remember he correlates many things to
> There are two particular experiments which are most intriguing.
> The first recounts what appears to be transmutation using only
> tetrahedrons. Three 9" high tetrahedrons were constructed from coat
> hanger wire. A triangle was drawn on a table and each of the three
> tets were placed in one corner of the triangle...<snip>...transmuted
> zinc to aluminum....
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------The numbers are tape length references....

> 5700 describes heating savings by covering the north side of a pyramid
> with reflective material. Describes how to reflect energy from a
> crystal TO a person using a SCALAR configuration, that is by putting
> one crystal on each side and pointing them toward each other. Where
> they collide a scalar bubble (soliton) will be formed to focus the
> energy in a local area.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> 6295 - describes random placement of crystals that does nothing because
> the user does not understand how or why the crystals work > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> 6328 - describes how orgone energy can produce a killing force if
> improperly used by leeching away the persons magnetism
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> 6420 - describes a project Brown was working on which would produce a
> pyramid with new dimensions using the figure 5, that is a 1:5 ratio
> based on the pebble dropped in the bucket of water experiments. It
> is built so that anyone sitting under it will be cured of cancer
> according to Brown.

> (Les Brown died about 1987 and did not finish this project to our
> knowledge.)--
Jerry W. Decker / / "From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187