The person to contact is Gerald Orlowski, who lives in Tempe
Arizona. Orlowski apparently worked with Johnson many years ago.
Later, with the help of a medium, he crafted plans to build the
Johnson motor, along with several improvements. These plans
along with his story was presented at the 1996 INE conference
(video tapes are available for sale).
I have reviewed this technology and invested in several small
prototypes (I didn't need 500 HP either -- just something which
is self-running). This is not a simple machine and the plans in
no respect reveal all the details to build a machine. Orlowski
built 9 prototypes with us and none of them worked (I will define
'work' here as producing power, let alone self-running
The detailed plans I have would do you no good. Buy the INE
video if you are interested, but from my experience in pursuing
Johnson's 500 HP quest for about a year, there is probably no
motor more difficult to try and reproduce. In my opinion, there
are many other machines which could be built with a greater
chance of success.
I'll provide further details if you so desire...
- Reed
Reed Huish, President & CEO
Zenergy Corporation
Post Office Box 73, Chandler AZ 85244-0073
Phone: 602.814.7865 Fax: 602.821.0967
Internet: http://zenergy.com
Direct Email: reed@zenergy.com
General Email: info@zenergy.com