RE: Info Wanted on Rory Johnson Motor.

Reed Huish ( (no email) )
Tue, 3 Mar 1998 00:35:04 -0700

> Has anyone built, seen or know of the Rory Johnson Magnetic


The person to contact is Gerald Orlowski, who lives in Tempe
Arizona. Orlowski apparently worked with Johnson many years ago.
Later, with the help of a medium, he crafted plans to build the
Johnson motor, along with several improvements. These plans
along with his story was presented at the 1996 INE conference
(video tapes are available for sale).

I have reviewed this technology and invested in several small
prototypes (I didn't need 500 HP either -- just something which
is self-running). This is not a simple machine and the plans in
no respect reveal all the details to build a machine. Orlowski
built 9 prototypes with us and none of them worked (I will define
'work' here as producing power, let alone self-running

The detailed plans I have would do you no good. Buy the INE
video if you are interested, but from my experience in pursuing
Johnson's 500 HP quest for about a year, there is probably no
motor more difficult to try and reproduce. In my opinion, there
are many other machines which could be built with a greater
chance of success.

I'll provide further details if you so desire...


- Reed

Reed Huish, President & CEO
Zenergy Corporation
Post Office Box 73, Chandler AZ 85244-0073
Phone: 602.814.7865 Fax: 602.821.0967
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