The Propulsion System of the Roswell UFO: Is it similar to Townsend Brown's discs?
Mon, 2 Mar 1998 14:09:28 -0600 (CST)


I am sure that most of you have heard at least the basics about the Roswell
Incident. For those who are not interested in UFOs/ETs let me just summarize
what happened. In early July of 1947 a "flying disc" crashed about 30 miles
outside of Roswell NM. Many people saw the crashed craft (which was actually
not a disc but "delta" or "wedge" shaped)which was from 30-50 feet long and
up to 30 feet wide. Many eye witnesses both military and civilian saw the
craft, bodies from the craft, and debris with amazing properties such as
resistence to heat, super tenacity, super strength, and the ability to
"bounce back" when crupled and bent. At first the local Army Base (which was
the only base in the country to have the atomic bomb) sent out a press
release to declare that they captured a "flying disc". The next day they
said that it was just a "weather balloon". Ever since then dozens of
witnesses have came forward both civilian and military who have talked about
the craft, the bodies, and the debris.

One of the witnesses who has just recently came forward was Retired Col.
Philip J. Corso who was a member of President Eisenhower's National
Security Council, and former head of the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S.
Army's Research and Development department during the early sixties. During
his time at the Pentagon he saw files, papers, and documents talking about
and detailing the Roswell Incident, the craft, bodies, and wreckage. He even
had a chance to "seed" large companies with pieces of wreckage from the
craft for them to develope into new technologies or to advanced primative
technologies they were already working on or theorizing about.

Well, in his book he states the following about the propulsion system of the
craft that crashed in Roswell NM. This is from page 100 and 101 of his book
"The Day After Roswell".

"There were no conventional technological explanations for the way the
Roswell craft's propulsion system operated. There were no atomic engines, no
rockets, no jets, nor any propeller-driven form of thrust. Those of us in
R&D from all three branches of the service tried for years to adapt the
craft's drive system to our own technology, but, through the 1960s and
1970's, fell short of getting it operational. The craft was able to displace
gravity though the propagation of magnetic wave, controlled by shifting the
magnetic poles around the craft so as to control, or vector, not a
propulsion system but the repulsion of force like charges. Once they
realized this, engineers at our country's primary defense contractors raced
among themselves to figure out how the craft could retain its electric
capacity and how the pilots who navigated it could live within the energy
field of a wave. At issue was not only a great discovery, but the nuts and
bolts chance to land multibillion dollar development contracts for a whole
generation of military air and undersea craft."

"The initial revelations into the nature of the spacecraft and its pilot
interface came very quickly during the first few years of testing at Norton.
The air force discovered that the entire vehicle functioned just like a
giant capacitor. In other words, the craft itself stored the energy
necessary to propagate the magnetic wave that elevated it, allowed it to
achieve escpae velocity from earth's gravity, and enabled it to achieve
speeds of over seven thousand miles per hour. The pilots weren't affected by
the tremendous g forces that build up in the acceleration of conventional
aircraft because to aliens inside, it enveloped the craft."

The above description of the propulsion system of the extraterrestrial space
craft that crashed in Roswell is very much like the one used in Townsend
Brown's electrogravitic discs. Or at least in my opinion it seems very
simililar. What do you think about the above description of the
extraterrestrial propulsion system? Does it sound similar to Townsend
Brown's? What do you think?

Also, if you need more quotes from him I have his book and I can post them
to this list. He states later in the book that the craft created a local and
artificial "gravitational field" that could be disrupted only when the
military was lucky enough to lock on to them with very high power radar. He
said that high power radar would disrupt the field.

So what do all of you think? Any ideas about producing Townsend Brown's
electrogravitic discs to sell as toys/novelties? We could possibly even
state in the package that they are using the same type of technology some
"UFOs" use but that Townsend Brown invented the technology BEFORE the modern
UFO era...

Take care and God Bless.

Best Regards,
William (on Netcom)