Re: PoP

CJT Enterprises one ( (no email) )
Mon, 02 Mar 1998 06:47:08 PST

Tim et al,

For an overview of it goto
select research projects and then select EMRC (Electromagnetic Resonance
When reading it please remember I mixed both THEORY and FACT without
telling which is which. Sorry for doing that I was writing it as an end
result file and needed something on my page. I am currently writing
another file that will be much more in depth. The part about the 6ft
spark blowing out the radio while listening to Art Bell is true
(conspiracy? I was listening to Hoagland talking about the NASA
conspiracy...coincidence? I DONT THINK SO!!!! j/k I'm not THAT
paranoid) ....I followed primarily Charles Stienmetz's experiments, what
little I knew of them. (Jerry please post any info you have on him.)
After that I continued to receive at least 1-2ft sparks. I am now
moving it onto the beginnings of DePalma and Tewari's work and the
beginning of Searl's work. I have found that before people make
grandiose claims (PoP) that they actually may have had a device that
works. I dont know if I will get anti-gravity with it, but I may get
enough electricty to generate a Biefeld-Brown effect. I am hoping for
electricity to make it antigravitic. It will eventually run off Back
EMF. There are a couple of different configurations for it. One of
them even produces a magnetic vortex (theoretically). Anyways I hope
this helps you out.


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