Increased brain power and height

CJT Enterprises one ( (no email) )
Mon, 02 Mar 1998 05:58:16 PST

Hi All,

Ok. Some more info on pre-flood earth. According to Ken Hovind and other scientists it is believed that before
the flood due to the content of the atmosphere's gasses, the double
atmospheric pressure (John, it was double normal earth pressure at sea
level), and the water barrier blocking out certain UV frequencies,
humans, and other animals grew much larger than we do now and were
either scavengers or vegetarians. Not meat-eaters as the much
popularized evolution myth suggests. (Perhaps I should say philosophy
instead of myth. Either way there exists no scientific data to suggest
it ever happened. If you want info on this let me know privately. I
dont think it is the place for it on this list.)
It is believed that this was due to the pre-flood conditions of the
Earth. Humans, before the fall could achieve heights of at least 12
feet and most likely used 100% of their brains. (Maybe the reason for
Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, the possible nuclear explosion in Ancient India
the file can be found on Keelynet, and Hoagland's City on Mars advanced
It is also believed, I think some testing has been done in this area,
that amputated fingers, arms, legs, etc. would grow back, and that brain
damage was nothing to worry about during that time period. I have
heard, they are rumors so far, that some scientists are now treating
some brain trauma patients and those who are paralyzed with this type of
atmosphere in the hopes of healing the body. Remeber the young man I
mentioned who tried to commit suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning? And
how after being placed in an oxygen rich enviroment that somewhat
mimicked pre-flood conditions, he walked out 3 days later with NO brain
damage? Maybe this is the cure for all diseases. Anyways it is
DEFINITELY an area to research.

Chris Thomas

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