Re: Something you should really examine.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 02 Mar 1998 03:58:23 -0800

Hi Hex et al!

You wrote;
> Remember the stories of fish raining down on unsuspecting
> communities? :)

Oh no, Forteana! Rains of fish, blood, frogs and other miscellany.

I know some countries (like Egypt and Mexico) have no laws about burning
trash openly....between smells and fog, that doesn't help viewing stars

For a few of my teenage years, we lived far out in the country, nearest
neighbor about 2 was remarkable how clear and crisp the
starlight could be. (And everything tasted better too!)

As to the fog/water vapor, who knows what really happened? Perhaps some
of the untranslated Sumerian texts.....many cultures record a deluge,
some with their own Noah and Ark legends....this deluge was probably the
dumping via preciptation of that moisture.

So, did God or 'the Gods' cause this or did they simply warn Noah of it??
I think they caused it because the stories I've read say the sexual
relations between humans and Nephilim/angels produced abominations such
as Satyrs, Centaurs and the mythological beasts...

All that is interesting but not relevant to the list....wonder how they
dumped the water?? You either have to cool vapor to precipitate it or
you have to add so much additional moisture that the density causes it to
combine and fall as rain.

I'll stick with the flood and water jacket theory as the best reasons
I've seen to explain extended lifespans of 1000+ years and all the
'missing continents' which are now at the bottom of the oceans.

Wonder how much if anything could survive under all that water and
possible silt overlays? You know, some of the tabloid papers have made
claims of finding 'lost cities' deep was a Russian
team...but I never paid attention to them....some go so far as to say
there is still life there under some kind of dome or the people had
mutated to 'mermen'.......well, gotta leave that alone, getting too

But all the talk about crystals and such as being devices to heal,
destroy or produce energy, based on 'Atlantean' sources, are
interesting...wish they could be absolutely proven. The closest I've
seen to a simple test of crystals is to attach one of them to a gasoline
line to improve mileage. Same with magnets....

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187