Re: Something you should really examine.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 02 Mar 1998 00:13:29 -0800

Hi Chris et al!

You wrote;
> The stars are perfectly visible from 100' below water in fact he water
> can magnify the stars.

The water would not simply be suspended, it would be a vapor or
fog...I got a kick out of your comment....I've done night diving but the
water around here isn't that was the comparison of 100 feet
to miles of atmosphere...

You know there is kind of cold front striking a warm front that causes
the air to refract the starlight and causes serious distortions in

So, IMHO, the theory isn't so out there because I can see how a fog or
thick turbulent vapor would create problems seeing starlight.

I've read that in ancient pre-flood times, there are reports that the
night was never black, but a deep blue, which was attributed to diffusion
of starlight by the water vapor/fog in the upper atmosphere.

Also, the reports of pyramid structures, man-made columns and roads
leading into the ocean around Bimini indicate a flood moreso than a
sinking of a large land body. It would be neat to track the road using
side scanning sonar to see just how deep it goes....the reports I've seen
about these pyramids (where they say one of the Crystal Skulls was found)
say the things appear and disappear when covered by shifting sand and

These underwater pyramids could be a helluva tourist attraction or at the
very least a documentary, much better than Geraldo opening Al Capones'
sealed vault and yielding nothing but stale air...<g>....

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187